Wanted to write a quick note about where we've been and where we're at, given all the givens of the past couple of years.
I rather want to say "it's complicated" and just leave it at that, but since we're a tiny company of two trying to live an authentic, creative life, I think a bit more is in order.
Pre-pandemic Matt and I (that's Mister Global Backyard, in case you're wondering), decided to change up our lives big-time following a lay-off after a long corporate career.
“Enough!” we said. “We're gonna do our own thing, come hell or high water!” we said. And then, well, hell AND high water both came. And they came in spades.
Moving cities so that we could get rid of our oppressively large mortgage seemed wise, so south we moved -- from Seattle to Tacoma's north end -- which feels a little grungy, a little up-and-coming, a little bit rock-and-roll ... it's fun. (Or, we think it will be once we can get out and fully enjoy it).
Anyway. As we were selling our house and moving into our new-old fixer, we had a parent die, another parent have a stroke and struggle with dementia, and then the covid lock-down happened. Another parental death later and a lot of business pivoting and here we are, trying to catch our breaths, keep calm, and carry on.
I won't bother giving you the laundry list of mishaps, missteps and missed *everything* that we've gone through since mid-2019, as I suspect you have your own lengthy book of grievances and traumas. Suffice it to say we are bound and determined to dig ourselves out from our pit of despair and make 2022 feel better.
Expect new yarn (no, really, this time I mean it). More handmade items. And more communication. Apologies for the lack of it thus far. I can honestly say we've been doing our best. Sending love and light out there to the universe, friends. Hope you catch some.
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