Remember how summertime as a kid lasted forever? It was never long enough, but we packed mini-lifetimes into those few months each year. Is anyone else stunned that it's already 2018? It seems like things go ever faster the older we get.
We read an interesting article by Robert Goldfarb in the New York Times about how adding more adventure and novelty to your life can help make time slow down. Having this year feel longer seems like a good idea, so one of our goals will be seeking new experiences.
We plan on taking more time to rest (because, actually, this would be novel), rejuvenate, organize our spaces, and most importantly -- be creative in new and interesting ways. We're hoping to make 2018 our best year yet.
Here are a few of our favorite old & new books we have stacked up next to our bed to help us (we provide affiliate links for you):
1. The 52 Lists Project by Moorea Seal
We've journaled off and on for years; lately it's been more off. This low-pressure journal contains 52 lists that help prompt a weekly entry (just one entry seems doable)! With beautiful photography through-out, this might just help us renew the self-reflective writing habit.
2. A Book That Takes Its Time: An Unhurried Adventure in Creative Mindfulness by Irene Smit
This is a beautiful, inspiring book put out in collaboration with the publisher's of Flow Magazine (if you don't know Flow, it is a great Dutch publication all about creativity). This book is full of creative quotes and articles, but what really makes it unique is all the extra doo-dads it contains. Gorgeous pull-out papers, stickers, mini-journals, posters and more. All sorts of little surprise gifts throughout.
3. The Uppercase Compendium of Craft & Creativity curated by Janine Vangool
This wonderful 380+ page compilation, put out by the publishers of Uppercase Magazine (a quarterly one we adore) has lived on the nightstand for over a year now, and it's staying there in 2018. Chock-full of stories of crafters, artisans and makers, it highlights their various art projects, illustrated writings, screenprints, embroideries...the very types of things we love to do. And love to think about doing. Flipping through these pages always manages to light our creative fire.
4. In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney
This is another wonderful compilation highlighting stories of female makers, artists and entrepreneurs. So much inspiration in these pages! The author is the founder of one of our very favorite blogs Design Sponge (we have followed it since its inception). This should be in every creative woman's reference library.
5. Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom & David Kelley
This book has been on the shelf for a few years now but hasn't been read. This is the year. It is by the founder's of the global design and innovation company IDEO, and it's all about how we are all creative spirits who just need to find our unique voices.
6. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
This is a book we've read cover-to-cover, but it's worth reading again. It is such a great book that helps you understand how your inner motivations work (or don't), and how to affect your habit-forming intentionally. Great life skills in this one that we can't claim to have mastered. Yet.
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